Sunday 8 April 2007

mr. mockup

There is a lot going on, at the beryl/compiz development.
Neil is working on some realy cool projects for a new user experience, and also made a lot of amazing mockups. And so i decided to do some mockups too. Here is the first one:

Wallpaper: Aquarius
Icons: FF&TB , XChat


Unknown said...

Great mock-up..

I think the best way to realize this could be to implement a front-end for libnotify.

I'm not sure how, but if you are able to catch the notification request via d-bus, you could make something that looks like your mock-up.

Unknown said...

Ah, oops,

I misinterpreted it, I thought part of those messages were notifications, but they're search results of course..

Heh.. notification integrations would still be nice ;)